Friday, October 18, 2013

Blog #4

This book is one of my favorite books of all time. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is one of my favorite books i think for many reasons. I love that the book has a lot of fantasy in it. It makes me wish i could go to Hogwarts. The style of the book and how great it is written makes me feel as if i am even there sometimes. I get so lost in reading it that I forget I a, not actually there and that i am just reading. I want to meet Harry, Ron and Hermione so badly because J.K Rowling writes the book in the way for the reader to feel like that. I also like this novel because it is not that predictable. There are many events in the novel that I never predicted would happen which makes the book even better. For example I never even thought once that Ginny was going to be the person in Hogwart's doing all the bad things such as writing the words on the wall in blood or Ginny being the one that opened the chamber of secrets. I know that she was manipulated into opening the chamber of secrets and it makes sense to me now after I read the book but before I started to read the book and during the book up until I found out she was the one that opened the chamber of secrets I for sure did not think it was going to be Ron's little sister Ginny who is Harry's best friend. Books are never as fun to read if you know what is going to happen next. It is the suspense of trying to figure out what is going to happen or who is going to do it that makes a book great. J.K Rowling does a great job in this novel of making the reader want to keep reading and reading. I constantly found myself wanting to read more and more. I always wanted to keep reading in class when we had to stop. This novel is by far one of the best written books I will ever read. J.K Rowling's imagination to be able to create such an awesome novel must be amazing. She is a great author and I am glad I chose to read this book. This book just set me up to want to read the next book in the series which I plan to start soon.

Blog #3

In the novel "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" I have a lot of respect for Ron Weasley. Ron is my favorite character throughout the novel for many reasons. Ron is best friends with Harry Potter. Harry is constantly  in the spot light and he is very popular because he is the "boy who lived." Ron is pretty much considered Harry's sidekick. I think that Ron handles always being second to Harry very well. I even think that Ron is proud of being Harry's "side-kick" best friend. Ron always stands up for Harry and is always there for him. Ron is a great friend to Harry. Ron Weasley is not very rich and he is embarrassed by being poor even though his family is very well respected in the wizarding world. His father works for the Ministry of Magic in a fairly powerful position. Ron is often made fun of for having to wear handed down robes to school when all the other kids have new robs. Ron is very defensive of his family being poor and always stands up for his family if anyone makes fun of his family. In the novel Harry and Ron are perfect best friends that are always with each other. They are constantly going on adventures which sometimes gets them into trouble. Right in the beginning of the novel they flew Ron's dad's flying car to school because they couldn't get on the train which got them into trouble as soon as they got to school and got caught for flying the car. Ron always stands up for Harry especially against their enemy Draco Malfoy. I respect Ron so much because he isn't scared to stand up for himself, his friends, and his family. Ron does not take anyone say anything about them and if they do Ron usually responds negatively or violently, which some people may not understand and although I know it is wrong for some reason I still respect him for standing up for himself, his friends and his family. I also respect Ron and he is my favorite character in the novel because he is so brave. He is always ready to follow Harry into anything Harry may need help with even if it may be dangerous. He fully embraces his best friend role to Harry Potter by helping Harry no matter what the situation. Ron is a very respectable person in the novel and is by far my favorite character because of his great qualities and as a person.

Blog #2

Prompt #3
In the novel, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" I am surprised a couple times throughout the novel. There are two people in the novel that really surprise me; Professor Gilderoy Lockhart and Ginny Weasley. Ginny Weasley surprises me in the novel because she is a nice girl who seems very innocent. But in the novel Ginny finds Tom Riddle's diary. The diary manipulates her into doing many things that are bad. The diary makes her do things that she would never do if it hadn't manipulated her. The diary gets Ginny to open the chamber of secrets in the school. When the chamber of secrets opens the snake is released and the snake petrifies many people in the school. When the snake petrifies the people it basically puts them into a coma kind of state where they are basically frozen still and conscious. This part of the novel surprises me so much because everyone expected the heir of Slytherin to be someone in the school currently and I personally expected it to be Draco Malfoy just like Harry, Ron, and Hermione thought for a while. When I found out it was really Tom Riddle's diary manipulating Ginny I was very shocked because she seemed like the last person I expected to have opened the chamber of secrets, especially because she is in Gryffindor! Professor Gilderoy Lockhart surprises me in the novel because in the beginning of the novel he is introduced as being a very famous wizard. I expect him to be a great wizard and a great Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher with a lot of knowledge because he wrote many books of all the adventures he went on and all of the dark arts he went up against. Also I thought that Professor Lockhart was going to be a great help to Harry Potter throughout the novel and that he was ging to teach Harry many different things about defeating the dark arts and how to become a more powerful wizard. As the novel progresses the reader learns more and more about how he is a fraud. It turns out that Professor Lockhart did not really do any of the things he said he did in his many novels. Professor Lockhart turned out to be not as courageous as he made himself out to be and also a bad wizard. These two characters surprised me because they turned out to be or to do things that are opposite from who I thought they were going to be in the beginning of the novel.   

Thursday, October 17, 2013

First Blog ****

Blog Prompt#1
Throughout the novel, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", there where many times when my reading changed. The novel threw many curve balls and many things happened that I was very surprised about. Harry Potter is a very interesting person in the book and his fiends, Hermione and Ron, are constantly going on crazy adventures. In the novel "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" there were many plot twists. The first plot twist in the novel involves Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Harry and Ron went to the train station to board the train to Hogwarts. The train to Hogwarts is on a special plat form, 9 and 3/4. In order for the wizards and witches to be able to board the train they have to go through a wall. The wall has a magic spell on it so that the wizards and witches can walk through the wall but the muggles can not. When Harry and Ron went to go through the barrier it had closed and instead of going through the wall they had crashed straight into the wall. This event threw a twist in the plot because instead of Harry and Ron getting on the train and going to Hogwarts like all the other kids they took Ron's dad's flying car. I expected Harry and Ron to be getting on the train and meeting their friends like in the last book but instead it added in another adventure to the novel and they didn't end up seeing their friends until later in the novel. There were characters introduced later in the book than I expected because Harry and Ron did not get on the train. Another event that put a twist in the plot was when we found out that Harry could talk to snakes. Almost the whole time Harry was at Hogwarts he could hear voices in the halls and throughout the castle that no one else could hear. I kept trying to figure out why he was the only person that could hear the voices and no one else could. When we found out that he could talk to and hear snakes it made sense why. It is a very rare thing for wizards to be able to talk to snakes and one of the only other wizards that could talk to snakes was Voldemort. This put a twist in the plot because at the time everyone was trying to figure out who the heir of Slytherin was and Voldemort was the most powerful wizard to come out of Slytherin. After finding out that Harry could talk to snakes many people thought that he was the heir of Slytherin, which threw a big twist in the plot.