Friday, March 21, 2014

Lone Survivor #3

In this book there is such a sense of brotherhood between the Navy Seals. Marcus talks about how much he loved his brothers in the Seals and how close they were to each other. There is such a sense of togetherness in the military, especially with the Navy Seals. I think they have to be so close. They spend so much time training together and going through hard times together that they are bound to become like family. They help each other through tough times and also have good times together while they are serving our country. Also I feel like they have to be close for when they are in battle. They have to be willing to give their own life for their fellow soldier. Marcus Luttrell expressed how close he was with the seals that died that day in Afghanistan. He talked exactly like they were all best friends and family at the same time. He did a great job of expressing how close they were and always referred to them as his brothers or as his teammates. They have to be close so that they will have each others backs when they are in action. They have to trust each other more than any other people in the world, they put their lives in each others hands. There is a quote from Marcus Luttrell that speaks volumes to me, “Because above all, we’re patriots. We will willingly carry the fight to whoever may be the enemies of the United States of America. We’re your front line, unafraid and ready to go in against al Qaeda, jihadists, terrorists, or whoever the hell else threatens this nation.”   Marcus said this about himself and his fellow teammates. They are going to face all the enemies of our nation together and are going to face death together, that is enough to bring anyone closer than we can probably even imagine. I find it hard to believe people can get any closer than that, they trust each other with their lives day in and day out. If one of them doesn't do their job correctly it could lead to all the being killed. But that is something that these brave men and women are willing to do for our country. They are willing to die for what our country and our flag stands for, and there is nothing more brave or honorable than that. These men and women are the reason we are able to live our lives as freely as we would like to. They are the reason this country can stay as the best country in the world.

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