Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor is the most interesting book that I have ever read. I feel so much pride and honor in where I come from while I read this story. It makes me appreciate the men and women that serve in our military of the United States of America. Reading this books makes me realize even more how respectable it is to have served or currently be serving in our military. The men and women have to give up so much and sacrifice so much in their life and I appreciate it and respect them more than anything. They are the reason I am free and the reason why everyone feels so safe in their everyday lives, and in many countries that is not the case. We do not have to worry about being unsafe on our way to work or school and we are able to do whatever we want without having to fear for our lives. Many people do not realize how lucky we are to live in the greatest country in the world and many people would realize and appreciate that so much more if they read this book. While reading this book it also shows you from the beginning how much their families have to sacrifice as well as the people actually serving in the military. The families have to deal with losing their loved ones if they are killed in the line of duty. Families also have to learn how to go on without them while they go away for months at a time. This book has opened my eyes up even more to how respectable it is to go into the military and serve our country. Marcus Luttrell did everyone that reads this book a favor by sharing his story. This is the most inspirational book I have ever read and I would suggest for anyone to read this book. I am glad I chose to read this book and it is my favorite book of all time. Although this story is a very sad one I felt so much pride while reading it. Going into the military is something that someone has to do and it is always the brave that step up to the job. You have to be brave to put your life on the line for your country and for the people in the United States of America. Dying for your country in my mind is the most honorable way to go out. They give up their lives for the safety of their families and friends but also for strangers that they do not know or ever met. That takes a certain kind of person to be willing to do that.  

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